
YESUSA Transformational Cities

Blog posts

My Brother's Keeper NOT Killer . . . Stop the Violence

Community Classroom, our collaborative Character-development & College, Career and Life Skills large and small group programming, is our method of delivering tools that empower students to make EXCELLENCE their standard and become My Brother's Keeper NOT Killer. 

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Coach Ford . . . Scored his final Championship


 Coach Ford passed on July8, 2023. Coach Ford served on three state cahmpionship

teams during his 20+ year tenure. His son and grandson, who graduated this year,

both were coached by Head Coach Hank Sawyer.  Coach Ford was an integral hub

for this team of champions. His spiritual and fat…

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REGISTRATION ALL-IN 7 on 7 and 1 on 1 July 15

REGISTRATION ALL-IN 7on7 and 1on1s . . . First 50 FREE LUNCH


Participating High Schools:    Bayside, Lakeland, Menchville, Landstown, Granby, Norview and Lake Taylor 

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All-IN 7 on 7 and 1 on 1s July 15

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Some may want to know what is the WAR CHEST. The WAR CHEST is a fund created to underwrite our strategic plan. What is that plan?


If you can win a campus, you can win a community.

If you can win a community, you can win a city.

If you can win a city, you can win a country.

If you c…

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YESUSA Dream Assembly - Spring Tour - Dr. Hill

YESUSA Dream Assemblies

COMMUNITY CLASSROOM is hosting Dr. Fairest Hill to 757.

Hear a message of HOPE and PASSION . . . 




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U.S. Army All American Bowl . . . Anthony Britton

Well, the Lake Taylor Titans finish this football season as 3A Regional Runner-Up. Add to that senior Anthony Britton is chosen as one of top 80 High School athletes in the U.S. to participate in this elite event. Anthony is also a 3.89 GPA senior with a scholarship to University of Virginia this fa…

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MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Campaign will launch 9/19 at Booker T. Washington High School, be on the lookout for more info.

This campaign is fueled by the life's message of Dr. Jack Gaines, author of My Brother's Keeper NOT My Brother's Killer.

This post today features the value of PERSISTENCE. Pleas…

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ALL-IN Football Camp . . . Where Values Come First

Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline

ALL WORSHIP 757 . . . gathering to invite heaven to earth


Are fathers necessary? Listen and tell someone what you learned.


Click here for the FUSION WEEKEND Report

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FUSION WEEKEND . . . A Decadal Vision

Here is a thought . . . Track with me.

Why do we have men and women in blue on school campuses? Simple . . . let's be honest, for law and order.Why do they need to be there for this assignment? They are not social workers nor counselors. That is not their responsibility. Are we asking them to do …

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Let's Dance . . .



There's a difference between  BAD CHOICES and a BAD PERSON . . . Anthony ONeal  encourages us to don't give up on others because bad choices are made. If God can forgive, we must follow His pattern.   


Recently, the Best Man in my wedding, over 36 years ago - Jerry, asked if I h…

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The Woman

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